Friday, July 22, 2016

On to Mons

We departed Corbie, on the Somme and headed upstream towards Belgium. One thing that caught our eye was that the fallow fields beside the canal were covered with Flanders Poppies – fields of blood. So poignant after our visit.

We were soon back on the canal du Nord and observed the way the locals paint their bridges. One half at a time, wrap them so their workers are kept in good conditions. Certainly not Paul Hogan’s way to paint a bridge.

Actually the treatment started with a complete sandblast then spraying many layers of primers and paint. The wrapping was essential but it made navagation a little hazardous.

As we were now on a major canal sights like this were the norm. Here, barges loaded with heavy steel off cuts and scrap are off-loaded by these massive grabs, the scrap being used in a pipe mill close by.

We were soon moored at Mons. The city was only a short bus trip from our mooring and we wandered through the old centre of the city.

There had been something in the air as things were happening at the Hotel de Ville. Weddings seemed to be the order of the day.

A nice touch with this one, even though the bride was traditional, all the guests wore something aqua. Even the little 2cv.

Even this group – out on a buck’s afternoon were having fun. These fellows were collecting money to help the poor groom buy the ring. Hah! Booze more like. His hairy bits were covered in depilatory wax strips and his mates were inviting the public to donate – and rip a strip! Marg got her 2 euros worth.

Turning a corner, we thought we had found a Chinese pallet maker’s timber yard but realised that this was a sculpture almost filling a small local square.

We supposed that the woodpile had a degree in artistic merit - somewhere, but Peter missed it.

We have been saying for the past year that it is time to think about our future and we have finally taken the plunge and Matilda is on the market. We don’t think she will sell too quickly as the market is generally slow but we are being realistic with our price and expectations but will probably be here next season as well. If you would like to have a look, go to and see what we are selling.

There will be more to tell, so we will keep in touch.

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